About Us

Welcome to GetCulture, a store specially designed to serve the needs of home and hobbyist cheese and yogurt makers.

GetCulture and its parent company, Dairy Connection Inc., operate under one big roof in the heart of cheese country, in Madison, Wisconsin. Dairy Connection Inc. started in 1999 as an ingredient solution for cheesemakers and fermented-milk producers at the specialty, artisan, farmstead, small creamery and hobbyist levels. Founders Cathy and Dave Potter saw a need to serve this important market and partnered with large international dairy-ingredient companies to better service customers who required smaller quantities of cultures, coagulants and other ingredients. Late in 2012, the Potters launched GetCulture online and opened a brick-and-mortar retail store for hobbyists in Madison in 2013.

The GetCulture website includes a wide variety of cultures, coagulants, flavor enzymes and other ingredients needed to make all the different types of American and specialty cheeses as well as fermented milks such as yogurt, kefir and sour cream. You will also find the equipment and other supplies needed for your home creamery.

GetCulture staff are available to answer any questions or to take your order by phone during store hours: 608-268-0462 or by email: info@getculture.com. In addition, Frequently Asked Questions and Resource areas are always available for your reference on this website.

The GetCulture team hopes to become an important part of your home creamery. We welcome your comments and suggestions and look forward to doing business with you.

General Information

Store hours (Central Time): 

Monday - Friday 10:00 - 2:00 

If you live in the Madison, Wisconsin area, come visit our retail store! GetCulture's brick-and-mortar store is located at 2314 Vondron Rd. in Madison. Click here to see a map of our location.